Monday, January 21, 2008

On Hold! (for 65 minutes and counting)

I have spent over an hour on hold with the doctor's office. Thankfully, I am a very healthy person and rarely have to deal with this stuff, but COME ON! At least give me an option to leave a message rather than sit here, especially since I'm calling because I haven't received the paperwork I need for my appointment next Monday. That's ALL I'm calling about. And this is a dermatology office I'm calling, so it's not like people were having a bunch of dermatological emergencies over the weekend that they're piling up this morning.

But then I have that stupid fear that as soon as I hang up, it would have been my turn. Sigh. Harvard Pilgrim/Beth Israel Deaconess does not get my vote for helpful phone service.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Miri Visit!

Miri came for a visit while her parents went to the movies. After she got upset that they left her (and then crawled around the entire first floor looking for them) she settled in with us and had a fun time.

I even got to see her pulling up/standing skills in person!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Some Knitting

Originally uploaded by kjourdan

I lost my knitting mojo last fall, but I seem to have found at least a bit of it. I decided I should finish up some projects that I had of them is Bryant's Slipover.

I have been working on J's socks and I am fairly certain I am not going to have enough yarn. I am in denial.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Hooray for Snow Days, Boo for broken trees

J's out there trying to shake the snow off the trees because of the fallen branch you can see in that second photo. Hopefully that will be the only "casualty" today. I'm also hoping we'll be able to go out snowshoeing later...

Update: No Snowshoeing...evidently with falling branches/trees, J thinks it's too dangerous.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Who knew?

Who knew that in the middle of Montana (where there is no cell-phone reception (not even analog!)) and the maps clearly show which towns have gas stations, that we would see 90+ wind turbines in action?!

It was amazing. A bit sci-fi movie-like, but amazing. A glimpse of the future.

(p.s. those photos were taken through a car windshield, sorry. But our new camera (Canon 570IS) from Mom and Dad works great!)

Merry Christmas to All!

I wanted to post a cool Flickr post that would link easily to all of the holiday photos I uploaded to Flickr. Did you notice I said "wanted." Flickr doesn't seem to remember who I am, so here's the old fashioned way of linking:

Christmas Photos

If Flickr decides to make nice, I'll re-post.