Thursday, August 31, 2006

Via Diagonale

I finally finished it! This is Via Diagonale from It was a real bugger, because of how you make the chevron pattern. It was actually hard on my hands, so I could only work on it a little bit at a time.

I used 5 skeins of Tahki Cotton Classic--3 of the brown (color 3336), 2 of the teal (color 3805) and used size 6 needles.

I lined it with a very cute fabric, but I wish I had used something heftier so it would help the bag stand up even better.



maryse said...

that is beautiful. i love it! if you make another one and would like it to be stiffer, try inserting that plastic canvas stuff between the knitted fabric and the lining.

Krissy said...

I love it!! can i be put on a waiting list for your next one, i will pay you?!

Leslie said...

It's gorgeous! I love your choice of colors and the lining is perfect.

Carol said...

Really nicely done! And congrats on winning the Yarn Monster's book!

Carol said...

You did a awesome job with that pattern! Really nice! The fabric is perfect!

Carol said...

That fabric is so great! And I love seeing one of these in the 'real world' - I think it looks like a timeless style.

I've used plastic canvas for the bottom of flat bottom bags and the sides of another bag, but I think I only like it for the bottom. For my next bag I'm going to try interfacing like my quilter friends use. They iron it to the liner fabric. There are different weights of interfacing depending on how stiff you want it.