Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Plymouth or Plimoth?

Well, you saw the Freedom Trail pictures from last Thursday--on Friday we went to Plymouth and visited "the rock" (which is only part of the original rock), and then went to Plimoth Plantation.
Here is the rock:

Here is Dave listening to the nice Park Ranger:

See how Dave was facing her? Very attentive. Then here is my darling husband "listening" to the park ranger.

Hmm, he's not even looking in her direction, and he's standing about 15 feet away. Erin and Dave are better tourists than we are.

On Sunday we went to the Cape. We got to use our handy beach umbrella from my parents, complete with the original sand auger. (it's quite an amazing thing!) Dave and J got it in the ground, and then J and I posed for a picture for my parents.


Kahla said...
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Kahla said...

Here's Erin's comment:
Dave and I had a SUPER-DUPER time in the Millis area thanks to our excellent guides. :) My favorite day was when we visited the Cape...