Monday, June 04, 2007

More birthday fun

Unfortunately, Eric had to fly to Switzerland Saturday night, so after dropping him at the airport, the remaining six of us ate some amazing Asian food, played xBox, slept (very little) and then ate mancakes for breakfast to bulk up before bocce at Roger Williams Park. Adam, we think you would have been proud of the mancakes.

After we dropped Matt F. at the airport, we went to our place and grilled pizza (Christine's garlic/butternut squash/chevre combo was FANTASTIC) and then watched the Democratic Debate together. Great conversation ensued, so we've decided that we should all have debate parties to encourage our own intelligent discussions on the issues.

Christine and I are so greatful to these three tremendous guys for their willingness to travel to the east coast to help celebrate Marc and J's birthdays. The spirit of the Huggenvik House lived on in Rhode Island this weekend!

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